India: Purpose

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It seems things are a bit different here then what I imagined they would be.  My role has shifted a lot since the beginning of all of this.  At first I was heavily involved with all the Indians and now it seems especially after having lil’ babes that my role in all of this is shifting much more than I imagined it would.  I am not certain of what that all means but I do know that it feels freeing to not have guilt hanging over my head.  Because really the fact is, God has called me to be a mom and wife and those come before all of this.  These days that is a little bit more demanding. This quote from Jim Elliot has guided me in many transitions in my life. “Wherever you are, be all there.  Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.”  But its funny how the things that can challenge you can also become a thing that throws guilt on you, which clearly is not from God. So Jesus, help me to know what it means to “be all here” right now, here in India, on this trip.

Needless to say, yesterday was a normal day as just a mom. It was mostly about trying to get Rowen to nap at normal times, so we could sleep at night(which worked!!). All we did was go out to exchange money and hang out by the pool a bit. Rowen rolled over for the first time!, which I thought was a fluke, but he did it about 4 times in his 10 minute tummy time this morning! What a pro Smile This morning we also got to Skype in to our Missional Family’s white elephant party which was such a blessing.  We couldn’t imagine life without them.  Lil’ Babes and I also got to skype my Mom, which was just really fun to see Rowen really excited about seeing her.

This weekend we are going to Chennai, a 5 hour train ride from Bangalore, to see a family that are like-minded.  We are really really excited to get to hear their hearts and share ours/get wisdom. Please pray that this would bring clarity to our lives, and that we would mutually encourage each other.

We are so thankful for all of you who are praying for us and following our trip.




2 responses »

  1. So much fun when our babies change. I am certain you will find that being a mommy is part of His calling. Thanks for the photos..looks like a nice place.

  2. Oh my gosh. That pool is gorgeous! Excited for the things the Lord is teaching you, and praying for the remainder of the trip.


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