Tag Archives: airplanes

India Trip: Extended Stay

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India Trip: Extended Stay

Tonight/Today whatever day it is we are stuck in the Park Inn in Frankfurt, Germany.  Babes is sleeping cause he didn’t sleep much at all on the Frankfurt flight, probably because I was sleeping and somebody had to watch lil’ Babes. Really I was trying to do him a favor so that he would be sleeping during the right time that way he would adjust faster…

Here are our ups for the day:

  • Lil’ Babes did amazing on the flights.  He slept through almost all of the long one and loved the extra eating time on the way up and down Smile. He is quite the World Traveler, I must say so myself.
  • We got to stop in Germany.  I was a little bit nervous about only having an hour between our long flights. But since we had a delay from getting off and on the plane while they fixed it, here we are sitting in Germany, catching up on sleep, on the dime of United Airlines.
  • We got to try some German sausages and kaut

Some downs:

  • a little homesick on my end. Maybe it’s missing normalcy cause this is exactly how I felt when lil’ Babes was born
  • tired

Jesus in our day:

  • Grace for Babes and I for each other even in stressful times!
  • A flawless baby- I was soo nervous about his ears and just kept asking Jesus to protect his ears. I feel like He kept saying every time I uttered that prayer, “Do you trust me to take care of this?”  Why do I worry.

Tomorrow we fly out at 12:55pm or 5:55 am cst.

We can feel you praying!

Thank you!!

