Tag Archives: Cafe Coffee Day

India: Adjusting

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It’s an early Wednesday morning here in Bangalore.  We got up at a grand ole time of about 2:30 am once again. Can you say jet lag? Yikes.  Here is a recap of all that has happened this week.


We slept in till about noon cause we didn’t get to the hotel till 6am… and then went outside of the hotel to get some lunch and head to get some groceries.  We are staying in a part of town called UB City, which is apparently India’s first luxury mall.  It has stores like Rolex, Louis Vuitton, and Burberry.  I remember coming to UB City when I was in Bangalore almost 5 years ago.  This was seriously the fanciest place we visited in India and now here I am staying in the hotel there. I feel a little weird about that.


Yesterday was Babe’s first day of work, and it went great! He met several guys and went to lunch with them. He found out that he will be doing 4 or 5 trainings over an area that he sort of specializes in at Cerner.  It seems that almost all of Cernerworks India is signed up for one of these classes (almost 50 people). My husband is a rockstar Smile.


After much crying, praying and asking people to pray, I had enough guts to actually get out by myself (and Rowen).  For some reason I thought this would be easy when I was planning everything; however, I didn’t realize until we got here that the last time I was in India, I had people with me 24/7. I now realize that I am completely naïve and scared because of it! But this morning, I had Babe’s driver drop lil’ Babes and I off at the money exchange place when he took Babes to work.  Apparently everything in India, or at least the shops and whatnot don’t open until later, like 10. So they dropped me off only for me to find my way back to the hotel without getting run over Winking smile.  Later in the morning, Row and I went to a chain coffee shop, Café Coffee Day, here pretty close to the hotel.  He slept a little while I studied some Hindi and drank some coffee. I wasn’t crazy about the environment.  I wanted to do this every day so that I could meet some people but I don’t think that is the place.  In Luke 10, Jesus talks about finding peace in a person/place, and it just wasn’t there. So I will “dust off my feet” and move to a different place next time.

Jesus in our days:

It seems Jesus requires obedience from us; however, you have to actually listen to what he is saying now. I had set all these goals for this time(not that goal setting is a bad idea because I know those were prayerfully considered). However, my piece of obedience for yesterday was to sit with him and to sleep. Today, my obedience piece took a little more courage but I am thankful that he provides that.

“My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness”. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Thank you Jesus


