Tag Archives: contextualized ministry

India: Our Hearts…an Update

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So I have been meaning to write this for awhile.  We kind of got cut off at the end of the trip and wasn’t able to post because the internet got a little fishy the last several days we were there. But we had some great opportunities to meet people that we didn’t even think we would get to meet. 

We have been back in Kansas City now for two months; although, India seems like decades ago.  Lil’ babes has cut two teeth, started eating food(on Friday; He loves his sweet taters), and talking like nobody’s business in that amount of time. We have also done too much processing.  If you know anything about me, I want to know immediately how I feel about everything. So for the first two weeks, I did not stop asking “what was that trip about?” It took longer than two weeks to hear these things from God and even put them into words. But hear is what we learned in a nut shell. 

  • India is for us. Its hard, we felt taken advantage of, out of place and seriously at home in all the same moments. Here, we feel the roads don’t have enough cars on them, not enough people standing, sitting, walking everywhere. We miss it.

  • that being said it feels like a time that we wait for God to place something in our laps. Both of us feel a complete peace and pursuing what He has put in front of us(like looking around a bit at Cerner) but don’t feel like we should go scrounging for something. To make space for the Mighty One’s hand if you will.


  • it’s lonely out there…we need a better sense of how to make friends where we go. Will it be mostly through Babe’s job? I originally thought I would maybe have a job but it’s seeming harder and harder even in the states to leave little babes. Some of this is just trusting God but we feel like this is the biggest thing that God showed us while we were there and perhaps aren’t just supposed to know that it’s going to be hard.  Seriously, we don’t want to die emotionally and spiritually while we are over there.  We are either praying for someone to go with us or for God to even just to show us a place to live that is known for its community. Also, what it would look like to have spiritual community with people of like minds for contextualized ministry. Anyone interested in this??


  • we also seriously miss our family and desire for our parents to watch the lil’ babes grow up… This is hard and probably will be. Makes me sad but we want to be obedient to where He leads us.

Will you pray patient discipline for us while we wait?
