Tag Archives: mumbai

India: Mumbai, a great city in December

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The last time I was in Mumbai, it was in June of 2009. The rains were late, as I stepped off the plane it was like walking into a brick of humidity and hot, unbearably hot. This time I was pleasantly surprised; it was a hot day but not anything worse than those hot spring days in Oklahoma. We stayed right on the beach to the Arabian Sea with our friend, Nishant’s dad (his mom is in the States with Nishant).  Uncle took us on a long tour of Mumbai seeing the beautiful peninsula/island. Here are a few pics of our tour and stay at our friend’s place.


The view from our room


The view from the living room at Uncle and Auntie’s


Row and I hanging out in our room for the night.


Mosque, Haji Ali Dargah, is on a peninsula jutting out into the water. Beautiful!


Marine Drive Area from a viewpoint on Malbar Hil… when its dark the lights make an arch that they call “the Queen’s necklace”, referring to the Queen of England. The main downtown area has a lot of the buildings from when the Brits ruled and they look very European.


our selfie at the Malbar Hil ParkDSCN0531

Marine Drive



We sure enjoyed our stay and tour! It was fun to see how much Nishant was like his dad Smile with tongue out.
